Making of Kosmo Spin part 2 – Trailer!

We love making trailers and we think it’s a good tool to not only communicate gameplay, but the feel of a game too. The general attitude that a trailer can only be “here’s 1 minute of gameplay, some selling points and a music track, buy now thanks” is a boring one and makes a lot of game trailers feel like instruction videos.

A good trailer should of course contain some basic information about the game (that is, if it’s not a strict teaser to excite the viewer for what’s to come) – But we try to treat trailers like key art, something we can use to show off the soul, feel or attitude of the game.

When making trailers we try to think of a “hook”, something that will make the viewer remember it. The feel of Kosmo Spin is of course very silly and easy going, and given the space theme we thought it would be a fun “hook” to make fun of the conventions of sci-fi themed games.

The first rough storyboard.

A more detailed storyboard…

Moon render!

A light test.

Final space marine model.

Speaking of trailers – There might be one just around the corner for a new iOS game that we might be working on. Maybe.