We always want to surprise and do the unexpected. So, we’re trying something new today.

Our new game is called SPL-T. It’s a minimalistic, thoughtful puzzle about division for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. And it’s available RIGHT NOW!
We know that it doesn’t look like much. We’re not trying to sell you this thing with promises of rewards, stories or grand art. We designed SPL-T to be a puzzle that would last forever, and never go out of style. Something you will always be able to pick up and play. Something you’d always get just a tiny bit better at. Something that would be fun to find and try out new strategies in.
We wanted to make the most pure puzzle we could make, and not put any distractions between YOU and SPL-T. No candy. No online. No ads, or menus popping up to ask you to review it, or buttons asking you to share your score. Just all play. Like in the good old days.
In many ways SPL-T is one of the most “purposeful” games we’ve made. Every tiny decision has had long discussions. We’ve weighed arguments against each other. We’ve put in and out features. Tested what feels like one million rules. A simple thing like removing the restart feature might seem like a miss – but it’s deliberately not there, because we want every round of SPL-T to count. We want you to get better at it and get a deeper understanding for it every time you play it. We don’t want you to look at online leaderboards at pointless numbers. We want you to talk to friends playing SPL-T, and we hope it will invite you to talk about strategies together.
We hope you will like it and play it as much as we do.
Let’s SPL-T!