Collaborators Part 03: Music

As we were starting to discuss about making a game based on Jonas script we knew that the tone was going to be very different from our previous games – this of course had to be reflected in the music as well. The conclusion we came to was to let Simon’s music take a step to the side and see what someone outside Simogo could bring to this project.

Our thoughts turned immediately to a good and very talented friend of ours.

We are delighted to introduce you to Daniel Olsén, who is making the music for this project. We are equally delighted to bring you a short music preview from the Year Walk soundtrack. Enjoy!

Daniel’s Studio

Hello there.

I am the music man for this project.

Simogo and I are no strangers. We worked together at Southend Interactive a few years ago, most notably on a game called ilomilo. I have since moved to California, which is very nice, but that made me leave my job in games and pursue other fields. I have worked on fun projects with different companies here, but sometimes I still miss the days as a game developer and music composer. So when Simogo asked me to write the music for this title I was very happy.

This project is quite a departure from the previous project we worked on together, ilomilo, but I embrace it as a challenge. I believe that for every new genre of music I try, I become better at music in general.

I worked closely with Simon and Gordon to have the music and sounds weave together so it is sometimes hard to know what is what. It was also a challenge to not make the music too scary or dark, but rather create something that might feel warm but maybe also a bit unsettling.

I think the feeling we are capturing in Year Walk is turning out quite unique.

And that about wraps it up for this little mini blog post series… But stay tuned because when it comes to collaborations we might just have a little thing more on the way – something that we know that you will love.