The Mysteries of Öresund

On April 11th, 2015, an e-mail arrived.

Subject: The Sailor’s Trip


I just wanted to drop by and say thanks for The Sailor’s Dream! But the door was closed. Well, it’s Saturday evening, maybe that’s a bad time to come along :-)
I was so touched by your creation, that I booked a flight, grabbed my backpack and came up to Sverige to spot all those secret places hidden in your artwork. It was amazing!
I will write more later!
Have to take the plane back to Vienna tomorrow.

Thanks again, and all the best.

Morten from Vienna, currently in Malmö

There was a photo attached in the e-mail. A selfie of a guy outside our office, wearing a cap. A backpack on his back.

We hoped some people would check out the coordinates on maps, to see where these places exist in our reality. But was this guy seriously telling us he had just visited all of them? We replied to the e-mail, asked if this Morten could send pictures, maybe tell us about his trip? But we were only met with silence.

Maybe it was a hoax, someone pulling our leg, for fun. Weeks passed. Then, on May 3rd, 2015, a reply:

This is me again,
It took me quite some time now, but I was very occupied and had a lot on my mind.
Then I had to rethink the text I wrote, because it was too personal – yes even more then it is now!
Well anyway, here is my story – you can use it for whatever you like.

Anyway, wish you all the best.


Attached was a 20 page travel log, of Morten’s journey to the real world places of The Sailor’s Dream. As you can imagine, it was quite touching for us to read, and a reminder that it’s important to go on adventures.

With Morten’s permission, we’re publishing it here for download:

“The Mysteries of Öresund – A Travel Journal”