Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Notebook

Malmö March 2024
To whom it may concern,
You are about (or have maybe already started) to play our ninth game, called “Lorelei and the Laser Eyes”. When we started this project after finishing “Sayonara Wild Hearts” in late 2019, we could not have guessed that it would take over four years to wrap up. Regardless, it has (mostly) been a joy to create and we hope it shines through. We believe it is our best one yet.
“Lorelei and the Laser Eyes” is a game that at times, and in many different respects, can be a real challenge. In fact, we suspect very few will make it to its conclusion. To aid your journey through the game we have designed a custom notebook, which is enclosed in this letter. Please do not consider this notebook a gift designed to sway your opinion on our game in any direction. Rather, view it as a secret handshake between strangers.
Bona fortuna,
This letter was attached to a notebook which was sent out to the media by the PR agency handling promotion of Lorelei and the Laser Eyes.
As Lorelei and the Laser Eyes was about to launch we thought about different ways we could promote the game. We had some concerns that reviewers and media would be unable to complete the game, and so we started discussing if we should produce an official guide book. A guide book was dismissed, as we thought that the social element of discussing puzzles with friends would be lost. We knew that note-taking would be required, and people had reached out to us asking if we would produce and sell a notebook for the game before release. The two ideas morphed into a mix between a notebook and guide book. We liked the idea of an item that merely pushed players in a direction, without providing answers.
Åsa Wallander (who had designed most of the other 2D elements in the game) designed the book and it was printed here in Malmö at a local printer. A lot (500 books, weighing 120 kilograms) were shipped to America, to then be sent out to the media or sold via Annapurna Interactive’s merch site.
As the notebook is no longer available to buy, we’re now offering it as a free download that you can print yourself. The cover and back is provided in a separate PDF, should you wish to replicate the hardcover of the original print.
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Notebook
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Notebook Cover