Sailors, secrets and a broadcast

As you have probably noticed, we’ve been a bit quiet about The Sailor’s Dream. We’re actually very far along with the project – we’re wrapping it up and currently polishing, testing and squashing bugs!

We’d like to explain a bit about the reasoning for us being so quiet about the project – because it’s been a very deliberate choice from our side.

We have a lot of fun features and elements in The Sailor’s Dream, which we believe are unique, and exciting. And as much as we’d like to shout about how exciting we think they are, we’ve made a (tough!) decision to not talk about them before the release.


It’s quite simple. We just don’t want to rob you of the sense of wonder and discovery.

We’re fans of the element of surprise, and as we talked about when we were making Year Walk, that’s an element we miss from the games we played when growing up. And even though The Sailor’s Dream is nothing like those games, it’s a box of stories and little glimpses into a world that we’d like you to discover and piece together for yourselves.

That said, we know that some of you have wanted to see more. And we’re not mean people (well…), so we’ve put together a little something for you to think about and ponder without spoiling any surprises. So, put in your earphones, and enjoy!
We hope you’ll appreciate this decision once you’ll get the chance to experience The Sailor’s Dream for yourselves. We don’t have any firm date yet, but we’ll definitely let you know once we have.