Wallpapers (and posters!)

Exciting! We are working on making two (2!) DEVICE 6 posters ready for sale in early 2014. The first one is with art by the amazing Junkboy, and is inspired by vintage paperback books (and more specifically so, those lovely Nancy Drew covers!)

We thought you might enjoy a sneak peek of these posters … So for the first one we’ve created a special wallpaper, with the poster art displayed as an actual paperback on a dirty old teak table (how meta!). Get downloading (these can also be found on DEVICE 6’s mini-site, if you want to link to it: WWW.DEVICE6.COM)

iPhone 5 lockscreen
iPhone 4 lockscreen
iPad lockscreen

We made a little test run for ourselves and here’s how it looks. The poster which will be available for sale might have slightly different proportions:

The other poster digs a little a deeper into the lore of DEVICE 6. But it’s not quite done, so you’ll just have to do with this little preview with four small ultra-zoomed in portions of details from it:

We’ll DEFIINTELY let you know when and where these will be available!