DEVICE 6, Status, Birthday, Eurogamer & A Picture.

Sorry for being so quiet lately, and not updating this blog. The truth is that we have been working hard to meet our (SECRET) deadline for DEVICE 6, so that we can get the game in your hands this year. But while we were working, Eurogamer posted this nice little piece in which we try to explain a little bit more about the game.


We’ve been working so much on this game that we actually forgot Simogo’s 3rd birthday on August 2nd… So, uhm, Happy Belated Birthday, Simogo!

Things are going very well project wise. We are done with about 75% of the game. After we are done with the last 25% there’s a bug squashing, testing and a bit of polishing to do, so take those numbers with a grain of salt.

Oh! And here is a new screenshot from the game:

Is there something you are wondering about DEVICE 6? Do you want us to do a Question and Answers blog post like we did for Year Walk? If so then send us your questions. If we get enough, we’ll post it here on the blog.
