Hi all! Hope you had some great holidays.
We’re back in the office.

This is what’s happening for 2012!

• Finish Beat Sneak Bandit. The bulk of the game is done. What we’re doing now is some post game stuff, achievements, the grand finale, a little intro, bug fixing and fine tuning. We’ll keep you posted on a release date – it will be out this quarter.
In the meantime go check out these impressions from the game:

Pocketgamer preview

Touch Arcade Preview

The Touch Arcade podcast crew discuss their impressions 20 minutes or so in (also some talk about Bumpy Road some minutes before!)

• We’re contributing with some stuff on a non-Simogo project after Beat Sneak Bandit.

• A cool Bumpy Road related thing is planned!

• We’ve got our flight tickets booked for GDC in March. Let’s meet there!

• And probably a lot more cool stuff for later this year.

Alright, 2012 – here we go.