Kosmo Spin contest winners!

These lucky persons have won themselves a fine little fuzzy Nod.
In no particular order, since they are all great:

Tomas made this fantastic Kosmo Spin bento.

We’re always sucker for something hand drawn. Bruce sent in this one:

Clipart cartoons – Why aren’t there more of those? Ida made this and we love it.

Selma is by far the youngest of the winners . She’s only 4 months old. Dear Mr. UFO always gets her in a good mood! Cutest ever:

That’s all.

or is it?


Somehow the last fuzz Nod managed to sneak itself over to Loading.se

So, In collaboration with Loading we present the last winner.
The goal was to send in a Kosmo Spin worthy breakfast. Here’s Linus yummy looking breakfast:

Thanks to everyone for the contributions!