Release day round up

Busy day yesterday!
Kosmo Spin was released, so here’s a round up of things that happened on this legendary day.

Both me and Gordon were crazy nervous. I actually woke up in the middle of the night to buy Kosmo Spin.
We got in to the office early to finish up the last things on the website and have the press releases and trailer out before lunch. Spent the day with replying a lot of mail, watching feedback and talking on forums and stuff to get the word out.

Just the day before my friend Emma had sent me new fantastic Kosmo Spin fabric figures, so of course the office had to be decorated with them before people showed up for our mini-release party.

And a mini release party it was. But, the creme de la creme of Malmö’s game developers swung by. 0.7% of Massive Entertainment, about 22% of Southend Interactive, 50% of Coackroach Inc, 100% Simogo and the talented 3D freelance artists Daniel & Daniel (!) that we share office with.

Beers were bought:

…And consumed:

The last brave ones before we headed of to end the night at the pub Pickwick just across the street from our office:

Best thing that happened yesterday? That would be this amazing piece of Kosmo Spin fan art by Johan Gulldén, programmer at Southend: